After Congresses’ vote to override Obama and allow U.S. Citizens to sue for damages caused by terrorists, Obama declared that actions encouraging foreign countries to sue the USA set a bad precedent. That is exactly the precedent he set when he started making the $33b in cash ransom payments to Iran for a law suit they did not win. Iran had been unable to prove their case for 35 years and had not won. Our country and citizens have greater claims against Iran for the destruction of our embassy and taking Americans hostages and lives. Where is our compensation?

Obama simply capitulated to a foreign country’s law suit to fund the jihad movement in his last two years in office. If there is anyone leading the way with – what he states is a bad precedent, it is Obama. He has demonstrated that if a foreign country sues us or our citizens, and stalls long enough for another administration as weak and anti-American as Obama’s (no “leader” leads from behind), they will be handsomely rewarded for their assault on America.

Talk about dog whistles to encourage foreign law suits – Obama just said to the world, here it is, come and get it; you don’t even have to win, especially if you support terrorism. Just stall long enough, wait and compound your interest!