Chief Justice Roberts’ has discriminated against and disenfranchised American citizens with his opinion on the census citizenship question. It is true that the Constitution provides for counting “persons” in the United States. The questions are (1) what is the purpose of the census and (2) the meaning of the word [American] “persons” to accomplish… Continue reading ROBERTS’ DISCRIMINATED AGAINST AMERICANS
Category: Uncategorized
Kamala on Murder
It was reported that Senator Kamalia Harris stated in her recent memoir, “The Truths We Hold,” Harris wrote, “The job of a progressive prosecutor is to look out for the overlooked, to speak up for those whose voices aren’t being heard, to see and address the causes of crime, not just their consequences, and to… Continue reading Kamala on Murder
Feinstein’s Ox-Bow Lynching
The Marxists (socialists, liberals, democrats in politics and the media) are engaged in the contemporary recreation of the OX-Bow Incident of 1885 and portrayed in the 1943 movie reenactment for the hanging of innocent men by a lynch mob. Only this time, instead of operating under the faux legal facade of legitimacy of being a… Continue reading Feinstein’s Ox-Bow Lynching
Now that the NFL has effectively taken the words “tackle” and “football” out of the “NFL” they might as well issue flags and save the expense on the equipment. By rule the quarterback is no longer a tackle football player. Players that make a clean tackles on the QB draw penalties. Therefore, the correct name… Continue reading NFL IS DEAD – THE NEW NATIONAL FLAG LEAGUE
Senator Grassley should call Senator Feinstein (and her staff) to appear under oath before their committee to investigate Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations and Feinstein’s collusion with Christine Blasey Ford and any others for bringing unfounded, uncorroborated and false (as far as we know) allegations before the committee to obstruct justice and undermine our Republic. Feinstein… Continue reading CALL FEINSTEIN AS WITNESS
McCabe Firing – Wrong Question Asked
The timing issue to ask for the firing of McCabe is why didn’t he get caught and fired earlier? The probing question is not about his firing just before a retirement that would have continued his taking advantage of and malfeasance of his office. The follow-up question is how self-serving and protecting is the FBI… Continue reading McCabe Firing – Wrong Question Asked
A brief review of the sale agreement for the copyright interests in the information and material from Stormy Daniels, aka Peggy Peterson, aka Stephanie Gregory Clifford makes it clear that she has no case against Donald Trump. She asserts the Contract is void because Trump did not sign it. She also claims the pseudonym David… Continue reading STORMY DANIELS HAS NO CASE
HAVE LIBERAL/MARXISTS TAKEN OUR LIBERTY? As long as the politicians and media are focused on and talking about guns and gun control – they have won. Guns are a very convenient Trojan horse to take our liberty. Blaming shootings on guns is akin to blaming the ropes for the lynchings after the Civil War.… Continue reading HAVE LIBERAL-MARXISTS TAKEN OUR LIBERTY?
Dear President Trump, Thank you for what you have done and are trying to do. I’m sure you and your family have sacrificed more than we may ever know. I have a request. Please use the correct term when referring to the lectern. You are too tall to use a podium. Olympic champions and short… Continue reading OPEN LTR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP
by Bill Sandry The DOJ is charged with investigating crime. The DOJ does not have the authority to investigate (much less prosecute) non-criminal, i.e. legal conduct. Because the DOJ does not have this authority in cannot delegate an authority it does not have to a special counsel/prosecutor. This is a self-evident, long established, legal axiom.… Continue reading DOJ HAS NO AUTHORITY