By Bill Sandry
Obama wants to “accommodate” the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church wants to know how he can “accommodate” murder.
The first President to use robo-signing to sign legislation into law calls the press for a $25b photo-op to criticize and announce he is punishing banks for . . . . . robo-signing legal documents.
Someone should tell Eric Holder and his boss that liars are like pornography. To paraphrase the Supreme Court, you know them when you hear them.
Honor and dignity- if you can create a culture, a dependent society, that deprives people of those individual values, then they are easy to control.
No central planning system has ever out performed a free market where individuals have the freedom and opportunity to excel and all boats rise because the economy grows; instead of socialist or communist planned systems where all boats slowly sink.
The best system ever devised to protect minorities, each individual and his personal freedom is the Constitution. It is slowly being destroyed by minorities that would rather take from others than secure the right to pursue happiness with a free equal opportunity for all.
A nationalized government can’t dumb us down if we keep local independent thinking and control of our educational systems. A central government must nationalize the system to control it and our children.