Veterans secured Kaepernick’s right to sit on his butt during the National Anthem. But his decision to do so explains why he makes such bad decisions on the field and is a backup. He complains our country is oppressive and at the same time he is sitting on his butt he is preparing to join… Continue reading Kaepernick’s Butt Protest
The Clinton’s are using the defense that if you can’t find the body or have a signed confession they have done nothing illegal. The circumstantial evidence reached Mt. Everest and Helen Keller can see their corruption and selling out our national security on a grand scale – and she’s dead.
The Half-Truth Principle
Our largest state tabloid made it clear Sunday that Trump has hit a nerve with them by exposing the media’s lack of honesty and integrity. There’s a very true old Yiddish saying that “A half-truth is a whole lie.” The media owe their income and existence to exploiting this practice in violation of the Code… Continue reading The Half-Truth Principle
Media says Hillary is so confident that she is making White House staff arrangements. Rumor is they might bring the rest of the furniture back and she is making the plaque for Bill’s office across from the Oval Office. It reads “Bill’s Brothel.”
America was designed to be a melting pot for humanity. We are all be in the same game together with equal rights. The politically correct term “diversity” is just a euphemism for reinstating segregation. By definition the goal of diversity is to separate us based on race or other cultural/religious criteria. That was the concept… Continue reading MELTING POT AND NEO-RACISM
State Dept. “copy” and “send” Functions
No wonder the State Department is a complete mess. Apparently they do not know how to use the “copy” and “send” functions on their keyboards. It is beyond belief that the Secretary of State’s calendar for meetings would not be on an individual file established for that calendar purpose. Are they that disorganized? How are… Continue reading State Dept. “copy” and “send” Functions
Parents used to wash out the mouth of lying children with soap. Wonder if Hillary washed her mouth out with Bleach-Bit it would solve her compulsive lying habit?
Trump’s Ties and Walmart
After Trump revises the tax code and renegotiates our foreign trade deals he and Walmart will be able to buy more ties, furniture and goods that will be made in America because small businesses will be enabled to compete again.
Behind the Clinton Curtain
Why aren’t the attorneys and law firms that destroyer over 30,000 emails for Hillary’s server(s) that were used for State Department business being investigated and prosecuted for obstruction of justice?
Obama’s Audit
Why is Obama delaying the audit on Trump’s tax returns? It should have been done by now. Finish the audit and Trump has no choice but to release them. What’s the holdup. Or maybe “holdup” is a sensitive term with the Clinton candidacy.