If NFL Players Believe:

By Bill Sandry 10-13-17 The NFL players that are “protesting” for “equality” should think about what they are doing. Evidently they do not realize they are protesting the symbols of equality and equal opportunity they are allegedly seeking. Our flag and National Anthem represent the faith and promises of civil fights and equal opportunity guaranteed… Continue reading If NFL Players Believe:

McCain Ejects on Us Again

McCain demonstrated his cut n’ run philosophy again by abandoning his support for his party and his Arizona constituents. We see this every 6 years after the election. The man with a national reputation for his uncontrollable temper and rough language has used a temporal excuse to abandon ship. No one condones, in fact everyone… Continue reading McCain Ejects on Us Again


RLUIPA (Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act) was passed in 2000 as a federal land use legislation to control local zoning regulations to protect religious organizations and institutions from discriminatory local zoning ordinances. This law has been abused numerous times under the Obama DOJ to force local communities, including their residential areas, to rezone… Continue reading YOU CAN SAVE YOUR HOME


John McCain is running for the Senate again. He will undoubtedly give us the same empty rhetoric he has for 34 years. Why “empty” you ask? Let’s look at the results we are left with after his never ending series of promises over the years.  His tenacious efforts, “hard work” and “fighting for us” have… Continue reading 34 YEARS OF FAILURE


By Bill Sandry The old guard media has tried so hard to maintain its monopoly and control of information that it has prostrated itself on behalf of the Democrat Party, Barak Obama and now Hillary Clinton.  The unsurpassed degree of covering up for this President, his administration and Hillary is now a national security threat.… Continue reading PRESS-TITUTE MEDIA


Colin Kapernick and the Broncos Brandon Marshal are protesting to disrespect another NFL player – Pat Tillman. Knaepernick proved the saying right – in America you have the right to be stupid. Diversity, Discrimination and intolerance are liberal code words to prohibit equality and promote racism, religious hatred and undermine our Bill of Rights that… Continue reading NFL BETRAYAL


Why is the Obama administration holding up Trump’s tax audit. He could have had Koskinen and the IRS finish that audit weeks if not months ago. It is now public information that Obama’s IRS held up processing tax forms to prevent dozens if not hundreds of conservative from qualifying for 501 (c ) (3) and… Continue reading MORE OBAMA IRS POLITICS


The Democrat media created the false standard for meeting the constitutional requirement of being a “natural born citizen” during the McCain presidential campaign. They ginned up the false standard that McCain had to be born in America. That is not and never was the standard. Then when Barry Soetero was running as Barack Hussein Obama… Continue reading NATURAL BORN MEDIA HOAX